Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Spotify MOL for Wear OS


Spotify Wear MOL

Spotify MOL is a modded version of Spotify to run on Wear OS (Mol stands for modded Offline), and support Offline music playback.

It supports high quality playback (the official version does not).

You can see how it runs here:


  1. Offline support.

  2. Much faster then the previous version (around x4 speed improvements).

  3. Much smaller then the previous version (only 10M in size).

  4. UI is much better for the small screen.

  5. Works great with the new Google Fit.

  6. change download quality.

  7.  Can download using cellular.

  8. Can download using Bluetooth.

New version 1.67 supports:

  1.  Ability to download via  Bluetooth (recommended BLE 4.1 and above).
  2.  Some small layout and UI improvements.

 Version 1.66 supports:

  1.  Performance improvements.
  2.  Improved usability and layout.

Download the latest version from here (1.67):

Wi-Fi Installation (easy):

On the watch:
1. Enable developer options.
2. In the Developer options, enable ADB debug, and debug using Wi-Fi.
3. The IP address of the device will appear after a few seconds - remember it.
On the PC
1. Open console, go to the folder where you downloaded the app.
2. Make sure the PC is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the watch.
3. Type the command (The IP is the one from step 3): adb connect (You my need to install ADB, or download directly from google).
4. Type the command: adb install spotify-wear-mol_1.65.apk
5. The installation will take a few minutes.

FireTools Installation (easy):
1. Follow the above steps on the watch (as Wi-Fi installation).
2. install easy fire tools on your phone.
3. Set the IP of your watch at the FireTV IP (in the app settings), make sure the phone and the watch are connected to the same router, and the signal on both is strong.
4. Download the app, connect and install (SideLoad) on the watch.

Bluetooth installation guide (For technical people):

Install on your Wear OS device: (Bluetooth) :

adb forward tcp:4444 localabstract:/adb-hub

adb connect

adb -s install spotify-wear-mol_1.5.apk

Full installation guide (Bluetooth Method):

On the watch:

  1. Enable developer options (Go to config -> about -> tap the version umber 7 times (it will enable dev options)

  2. Enable ADB debugging

  3. Enable Debug over Bluetooth.

On the Computer:
  1. Install ADB, and copy the APK to the installed folder.

  2. Connect your phone to the computer using USB cable (make sure you enabled adb debugging on your phone in the developer options)

  3. On the Phone wear app go to advanced settings and click on the "Debugging over bluetooth switch)"

  4. From CMD, navigate to the ADB folder and type: 

adb forward tcp:4444 localabstract:/adb-hub

adb connect

Should be "connected to" 

Make sure your APK you donwloaded is in the folder you are using, and type:

adb -s install spotify-wear-mol_1.5.apk

It will take around 3-5 mins to install on your watch

Tips and Tricks

  • After login in some cases the app is stuck on the logo. to fix it, force close the app (or restart the watch).
  • You will not be able to download music with Bluetooth. To Download a playlist to the watch close the Bluetooth connection on your phone, and let the watch connect via WIFI. The playlist should now download (see the green progress).
  • in-case the adb connect to the device fails (for example: device offline), use the adb kill-server command to restart the connection.
  • Only Wear OS system versions H and above are supported.
  • You must have premium account to download music.
  • You can update your playlist by setting the download switch to off, and on again. The app will download only the new tracks.
  • You can delete a track by clicking on the 3 dots near the track, and select delete.
  • Download using Bluetooth: Home, settings icon, download settings, download using cellular.
  • Login with facebook (work around):

If you enjoy the app, please consider a donation to support the development.




  1. Hi ,

    i have problems...
    D:\platform-tools_r30.0.5-windows\platform-tools>adb forward tcp:4444 localabstract:/adb-hub
    adb.exe: error: no devices/emulators found


  2. I will create a video guide soon.
    My guess is that your phone is not connected in debug mode.

  3. hi Eli,

    Thanks for that - its really nice and lightweight - better then other versions i tested!

    only issue i have:
    -the little back button (arrow upper left corner) is hidden on my watch!
    -is it somehow possible to change the download quality? i cant find/reach the settings

    i have a suunto 7

  4. There is a new version coming that fix more layout stuff, it might fix your issue.
    Regarding the download quality, currently can't be changed.


    1. thx for the answer!
      and again thank you for making these updates!

      the quality change - is that due the spotify-lite version?

    2. What do you mean by quality change?

    3. If you mean the fast performance, and compact size,then yes. The first version was based of full spotify.

    4. I think he is talking about music quality. For me, it only downloads in basic quality. For me, it is ok, but maybe not for him...

      Hope you be able to release new version sooon!!!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Thanks for the clarification.
      Yes, I really want to support it, it also bothers me when I use the app.
      Lately, I'm a little busy with my day job, so didn't had much progress.
      But, I hope soon I will have time to finish the new version that will support this.


  5. sorry - was referring to change the download-quality for the offline music

    1. Looks possible.
      I will try to add it to the next version.

  6. Hi, you're a lifesaver for developing this! I really appreciate it.

    I downloaded this to my TicWatch S. It downloaded with no problems, but the app won't open on my watch. I've restarted my watch multiple times. Anything else I can do to troubleshoot this?


    1. Does it has H?
      Currently the app will not work on System version below H.

    2. I'm on H 2.23 and its the same for me using Huawei Watch 2

    3. Try to set LTE to off.
      If you managed to fix it, please let me know.

  7. need some help,, im using fossil gen 5,
    why the apps stuck in login screen?

  8. Hello Eli,

    I tried beta (1.64) version. It looks like you increased DPI settings. Everything looks bigger. This is good and bad (comparing to 1.5 version):

    The good:
    - Home (and heart) button is visible all the time, making it easy to come back, even without left swipe.
    - you can change song quality as well

    The bad:
    - navigation between albuns and songs is way worse, as you can see only one song or portion of a album image. You have to scroll more and more to choose things.

    I know this is a beta of an awesome work and I am not here to complain. This is only a feedback (I think you would like to have some).

    I have a TicWatch Pro - TWP (the first, from 2018)

    Overall, the app is very snappy, even with 512MB RAM (I debloated the watch). I can put music and start running app (TicExercise).

    I tried once to use with a third app to mark intervals (ExerciseTimer), but Wear OS killed Spotify after one song or two. Need to try again to see if it happens again.

    As a developer, I would try two things:
    - decrease a little DPI (try to find a sweet spot)
    - put the bottom icons closer (or even remove the heart icon and let only home and search icons) - I do not know if that is possible.

    Below, two screenshots from the watch running the app:

    home screen:

    searching listing:

    album listing:

    1. Thanks for the detailed feedback. I really appreciate it.
      Can you please tell me what is the dpi of your device?
      You can get it by using this command (shell):
      wm density

    2. For sure! it is 280.

      ➜ ~ adb shell wm density
      Physical density: 280
      ➜ ~

      If you need more tests or any new information, count on me.
      Just did another run with music. It is so good!!! thanks man!

    3. Hi Lucas,
      Thanks for the info.
      Sure, I will tell you if I need more tests.
      Glad you enjoy it 😀❤️


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Eli, i really want this! but i get the following problem. I needed to use Powershell

    PS C:\adb\platform-tools> .\adb devices
    List of devices attached
    FUNDU20707002927 device offline

    I tried all your steps!

    1. Does your PC see your phone (connected via USB cable)?
      If yes, make sure you enabled usb debugging over Bluetooth on your phone (via the watch app), and on your watch (via developer options).


    2. HI ELi,
      10x for your guide and, of course, for your app.

      Just a question: on my Oppo Watch everything was doing well, but when I insert my username/pwd on the login screen it always says that email/pwd are invaild.
      I tryed many tumes (also restarting the watch), but I'm stuck on Spotify login.

      Any clue?
      Thanks in advance,

    3. Maybe try another account (even free) just to verify it can login for you. If I remember correctly, I had another user with Oppo with a login problem, check the reddit post, maybe it worked for him.

    4. I'm using an Oppo watch too. How did you enable the ADB debugging? I tapped the version number 7 times but nothing happened.


  11. Checkout the new version which supports changing the download quality and download using cellular connectivity.


  12. I really like this app but could you maybe add the capability to download local files like how its done on spotify mobile?

    1. Can you please explain more about this capacity? Screenshot maybe.

    2. Apologies, this feature doesn't seem to be in spotify lite, so I assume it would be impossible to implement. Sorry for wasting your time.

    3. All good man👍 my first version was based on full spotify, so shoot.

    4. Is that version still available?

    5. Yes, but it's very slow, and big (around 30m), and takes lots of RAM.
      I can upload it to my drive if you must have it.

    6. yes, could you please do that.

    7. Here you go:

  13. Hi ELI, i really like your app, but i have some troubles during installation:

    adb: failed to install spotify-wear-mol_1.65.apk: Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Failed to collect certificates from /data/app/vmdl1805423771.tmp/base.apk: File res/drawable-mdpi/abc_cab_background_top_mtrl_alpha.9.png in manifest does not exist]

    i tried several times, and i dont get it

    1. Please try with the new installation guide:

  14. Hello thank you for your good job.
    But i have a problem , i can't change the sound power.
    I tried but if you have a solution thanks.

    1. try using the media controls (open fit, start an activity, swipe left and click on the music button, this will open the media controls, you will be able to increase the sound from there.

    2. It's Works thank you perfect!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hi Eli, thanks a lot for your excellent job.
    Is not possible to control volume without starting a fit activity?
    Another way to see media controls?

    1. Currency i can't see another way.
      Google removed the media controls app from the app list.

    2. I think I have found out another way. You can customize the function button and one of the available functions is the media control app.

    3. Good for you. I don't have a function button

    4. I have TicWatch Pro 3, in case it could help someone.
      I have done a donation, you really deserve it!!!!

    5. Thank you so much It's works for me I have fossil with a customizable button and really works great wait my PayPal tanks again

    6. Thanks for the feedback!
      Appreciate the support :)


  17. Hi . Thank you for the app but I can't log on this version using Huawei watch 2 LTE . I get Spotify symbol but after the screen shuts down .

    1. As much as I currently know, Huawei is not supported. Can you please check the os version?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I could manage to install the XDA forum app from 2018 but it is too heavy and the lite version doesn't support offline playback . The version is android wear 2.25 . If you could.manage to get a lite version that would fit my Huawei watch I can pay you .

    1. Hi,
      More important, what is the system version? (scroll a littler lower).

    2. The version is android os 8.0 Android security patch level 01/10/2018 home app . I tried your new version but still I got stucked to the logo version even though I have cleared the cache . As I told you there is a post on XDA by @moneytoo that I was able to install his lite version from 2018 but I have got no success with yours or any other version posted by other users there .

    3. Thanks for the info.
      Your device system version is below H. Unfortunately, Spotify MOL does not support it.


    4. Could you not try to work on a version for systen version below H like the first one on this xda theread , please ? this is the link where I can dinstall spotify lite modd but it doesn't allow offline playback . Thank you

  19. New version (1.66) released.
    A lot of usability and layout improvements.


  20. Hello!

    I've managed to install the latest version and it looks great. The issue I have now is that when I hear the music trough blueetooth earbuds it's constantly cutting... Almost unbearable to use :( has anyone the same issue?

    1. Please use the flashlight app beatbox (long tap) to check if it not related to the earbuds.


  21. I was able to install it on Wear24 which runs on Android 7.1, Security patch March 2017. So yes, it's pretty old, below H requirement what was mentioned a few times but it works. I'm very happy to have found this mod. Thank you so much. Will do a donation shortly, well deserved. Btw, I used "easy fire tools", was quite easy, no need to deal with adb directly, first installation failed for some reason, but the second attempt was successful.

    1. Thanks for the donation!
      Regarding that it works on wear24 old 7.1,I will check it out. Thanks for letting me know.
      Regarding fire tool, i will try to find time to make a video on the installation with it, seems it's the easiest way.

  22. You need to run adb via windows command prompt

  23. Hi, I have a ticwatch pro 3 and I am unable to log in. Logging in through facebook did not work, so I changed my account to normal email with password but it still does not work. After filling in the username and password the log in button is still grayed out and is unklickable. Any idea whats is wrong? thx

    1. After putting the login information, restart the device (its in the tips & tricks section).


    2. Thanks Eli, it's now up and working!

  24. Eli, Firefox said this blog is a deceptive site. I reported to them that it is a legit blog, but I think this is not enough.

  25. Hi,
    i need some help i have a fossil gen5 and i am following the guide but when i try to connect to watch with adb connect with the ip i get connetion failed. I am on the same wifi network trying to do this a surface pro.

    1. i get a error 10060 if it can help

    2. A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. (10060)

    3. well i did it via bluetooth thx for the app work great just need to see album art when playing the song like google music app did before they killed it thx

    4. The album art will be downloaded, via bluetooth or WiFi. I see it via media controls.

  26. Hi Eli,
    Could you help me install this?
    I successfully connected to the device how ever when I type in the command to install i get this error :

    adb: error: failed to get feature set: more than one device/emulator

    Any suggestions?

    1. Disconnect your phone, and give it a try.
      You can also try with the fire tools.

  27. New version! ability to download using Bluetooth.

    1. Eli, many thanks for your hard work.
      I've downloaded the new update and it works like a charm!

    2. Thanks Ziv,
      I appreciate your feedback.


  28. Hello! Thank you for your amazing work with this! I can confirm that this works on the Huawei watch 1st generation. I wasn't sure it would be able to but I just wanted to confirm that it does work!

    1. Thanks for letting me know.
      I didn't know it working on Huawei first gen. Do you use the latest version?

    2. Yes, I used the latest version and it worked perfectly. I had trouble with the volume to begin with but the solution of using Google fit to increase it worked for me. It's worked great ever since

  29. Works like a charm on TicWatch pro 3 LTE. However it didn't show that the app has logged in and was stuck at login page but then pressing the main button and opening the app agained showed it actually did login.
    Thanks really. I was so annoyed with not being able to listen to my music during my exercises.

    1. Yes,
      It's a known issue.
      Thanks for the feedback.

  30. Thank you works fine. Can you modify Android TV remote app also for wear os? Or can you tell me how to do that if it's easy?
    And any more wear apps you have here?

    1. There is a remote for Android tv.
      Yes, i have a new wear remote for gopro.

  31. It goes perfect in the gen 5 fossil thanks

  32. I was looking for this kind of posts and this post is too good. Thanks for the post and keep updating.

    Spotify Username
